Stress & Anxiety Collection

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With the conversation around mental health louder than ever, here are five fragrances that can ease your symptoms through the delight of scent...

Lavender & Chamomile
Lavender is the most popular of all essential oils. This wonder scent can help ease anxiety and stress.
Several studies have shown that it can be hugely beneficial to patients who are sleep deprived. 

Inhaling rose oil promotes calmness and reduces any tension that you may be feeling; it’s often recommended to those who are grieving or depressed. 

Popular in India and Sri Lanka, Vetiver essential oil is often referred to as the ‘oil of tranquillity. It has a sweet, smoky scent that’s similar to sandalwood essential oil. It can alleviate emotional stress, anxiety, depression and panic attacks.

Ylang Ylang
This tropical scent is both calming and uplifting. It is one of the best oils to use if you want to boost your emotional wellbeing. It can reduce your blood pressure and has mild sedative qualities too.

Jasmine Oil
This oil has been used for centuries to help reduce anxiety symptoms. Studies have shown that Jasmine can stimulate your brain to improve your mood and energy levels. It can also calm your nervous system. 

About our products...

All of our wax melts are made with natural soy wax so they are Vegan friendly and our packaging is bio-gradable.
We love to do our bit for the environment 💗

Our reed diffusers are clean and simple using white fibre reeds, perfect for any room to add style and class - and with so many scents to choose from your home will always smell divine!
Each diffuser contains 100ml of fragrance to last for 6-8 weeks

Our highly scented carpet freshener will make your room smell gorgeous!
We use only the best quality ingredients, so when you sprinkle over your carpets, it will draw out any odours and leave your home smelling amazing.
Each pouch contains 250g of scented heaven, simply lightly sprinkle over your carpet, leave for 20-30 minutes then hoover as normal.
250g should cover a room 12 foot x 15 foot

Safety First...
Please make sure to keep pets and children out of the room when leaving the powder to work its magic.
Please check your hoover filters and clean regularly to ensure that the powder doesn't leave any build up.
We will not accept liability for damage to hoovers cause through misuse.